
Sunday, March 21, 2010

On Cats and Kids

Meet LuLu (also known -- if only by me -- as Johnny Cat).  He is one of my grandkits.  If you haven't already met the other one (Simone) you can look here:

LuLu lives with my daughter Kimberly in the lovely town of North Adams, Mass.  He shares his home with his step-brother-kit, Suzaku (I call him Tiger).  Suzaku is owned by Kim's roommates. 

You can just tell by looking at him, in that beautiful tuxedo suit, that he is a gentleman.  I am told that Suzaku can be something of a naughty boy, knocking things off counters and breaking things.  But of course, MY grand-kit is always a precious little angel and never does anything wrong!!

Kim came for a visit last week, and we had so much fun!  We spent all last Sunday with Nonnie, and had dinner at Valentino's.  It was scrumptious!  Kim took me places I never go, normally (like the Mall!).  I got an education in the in's and out's of flat screen tvs, which turned out to be very helpful since our own ancient tv gave up the ghost a few days ago, and I knew what features I did and did not want to pay for.  Thanks, Kim!

Kimber wanted a picture of the two of us, but since I couldn't overcome my camera-shyness, Tuffy took my place. 

It really was a wonderful few days.  I hope we can do it again really soon!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Early Spring?

We were blessed with an abnormally gorgeous spring day.  I know it is a GIFT and that we should not expect it to continue.  Nevertheless, Big Steve spent the day tilling and readying.  Observe!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

A Horseshoe Nail???

I thought this was elementary prose, but I had a hard time tracking it down.  At any rate, please appreciate the inspiration -- our horseshoe dog!!!

For want of a nail the shoe was lost.

For want of a shoe the horse was lost.

For want of a horse the rider was lost.

For want of a rider the battle was lost.

For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.

And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.

Maybe He's Not Al Martino, But She Is Certainly Daddy's Little Girl

You're the end of the rainbow, my pot of gold,

You're daddy's little girl to have and hold.

A precious gem is what you are,

You're mommy's bright and shining star.

You're the spirit of Christmas, my star on the tree,

You're the Easter bunny to mommy and me.

You're sugar you're spice, you're everything nice,

And you're daddy's little girl.

You're the end of the rainbow, my pot of gold,

You're daddy's little girl to have and hold.

A precious gem is what you are,

You're mommy's bright and shining star.

You're the treasure I cherish so sparkling and bright,

You were touched by the holy and beautiful light.

Like angels that sing a heavenly thing,

And you're daddy's little girl.

And she has a BONE BOW!!!

Ahhh....things are certainly different for daughters than for sons.  Nuff said!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

She Made Us Proud!

Our daughter in law, Kim, was named the grand prize winner of the CUNY-Wide Nobel Science Challenge.  I always knew she was a pretty smart cookie -- now everyone knows it. 

There is a wonderful interview with Kim here:

And here she is hearing her name announced:

And then, of course, the grand prize:

Wow!  We are impressed.  And so proud of her!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday's Menu

Tonight, it was the St. Patrick's Day warm-up.  So we had corned beef, with boiled potatoes and baby carrots, along with Irish soda bread.  For dessert, it was gluten free (surprise, because it was so awesome!) carrot cake with cream cheese icing.

If you're wanting any recipes, you need to email me!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wednesday Give Away

This week we're giving away a copy of Kristin Hannah's "Firefly Lane".  The rules are the same.  All you need to do is answer the following question in the comments section below.

"Do you plan to make any of this year's Christmas gifts yourself?  If so, what, if anything, do you already have planned?"

As always, please don't post your personal information (address) in the comments for all to see.  If you are the winner, you can email me your information at  You MUST check back to see if you are the winner.  Remember -- I won't have your contact information to let you know.

Last week's winner has not yet claimed her prize.  I will wait until next Wednesday's Give-Away, and then assign the prize to the runner-up.

Thanks again, everyone, and have fun!!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Well, She's Our Girl Now, and the Prettiest One This Side Of Halifax

You will understand the caption if you love Anne of Green Gables as we do. But if you just love us, you will understand our future plans and know what "this side of Halifax" means.  If you don't, you probably don't know us at all.

But she's our girl now, and I can't tell you what that means to us.  Maybe you will understand, if you have been following this blog.  Today, Elsa had her "spay" procedure.  I was dreading it for a few weeks now.  I've had dogs all my life, girl dogs even, but it has been a long time since anyone has had to be "spayed".  Ugh.

At any rate, bless her heart, this means her adoption can be final, and we can finally say "She's Our Girl Now, and the Prettiest One This Side of Halifax".  And we mean it!

For tonight, she's just plain pooped.  And who can blame her???


Mother in Law Dog wonders why your piano is so dusty on top!!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

And the Winner Is.....

Drumroll please.........

And the winner is......


If you send my your address, I will send your coasters right out.

Since we had such a small number of posters, I don't want any to feel left out, since I really appreciate your taking part in our little contest.

So if you would like a consolation prize, you can submit your address and I will send you a small handmade item.  You can email me at to submit your info without having it show up on the internet.

Thanks all!  I will post another contest on Wednesday.