So Big Steve was off to his bluegrass jam tonight, and I was here, and already he has returned home and still I don't think he can catch his breath the way I set a lovely table, put the food down and cleared away while their heads were spinning. Little did he know that tonight, while he was off at his jam, my body and brain were encouraging me to resume my own music. Now, mind you, after a decade and a half of the destruction of lyme disease my hands probably won't ever pull anything over a full octave again.

Even if my fingers would do what I askd them to do, those joints on the thumbs will be forever limited. Up until a few weeks ago, that made me really angry, but I'm learning to come back lately, and although I realize I will never be a concert pianist, I also realize that I probably never would have been anyway, and I could still be a better pianist than even my piano teachers could have imagined. If Mr. Stevens were alive tonight, I believe he would be proud. Seriously, music teacher Mr. Stevens, music angel, Big Steve, it's my correlation, but you might appreciate it too....
So anyway, tonight was Big Steve's bluegrass jam night, and that's always a happy place for him to be. But tonight it was something different too. Tonight I dug out some old drill type music, and I all of a sudden wondered why I loved what I loved all along. Keep reading...
The spinning song. Ok, well, it was a drill way back when I was a little girl, but upon reading this, it's no wonder I always loved this particular piece. I always has a fascination for learning about the settlers and before them, and how they lived, and why.
Further, in this book of drills, I found Berceuse, and that is where I've been tonight. Steve assured me earlier today that anything could be made to be bluegrass. So, give me a couple of weeks, and I'll let you know how it goes!!!
In the meantime, I am so thankful to be making a comeback from almost two decades of lyme disease. I'm not a support group (in fact, I HATE all the lyme disease support groups I have found), but I'll be glad to share what has helped me, if you contact me privately. Love to you all!