
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Slightly Rescheduled First Annual Get Together at The Haney Place

Turned out to be very low-key and a lot of fun.  We thank those of our friends who showed up.  The weather was glorious, the food was plentiful and good (everyone contributed something), the music was great, but the company was the BEST!  Now, I must be getting old, because it's just 7:30, everyone has had a good time and gone already, the mess has been cleared away, and I'm just so glad to be sitting here listening to Big Steve on his guitar and enjoying a peaceful evening.

A few items of note:
  • Bob had to leave early because his suspenders were getting too tight, and we were all afraid for our personal safety;
  • Only a banjo player would forego the warm, fresh cornbread on the dining room table and head straight for the day old biscuits on the kitchen counter (LOL!);
  • Some banjo players can pick with one hand and pet a dog with the other -- you can't teach that -- that's a gift!
  • I had a chance to chat with Tom today for the first time, and he's just about the nicest guy you want to meet;
  • We had a semi-celebration of my sweet little Lekya's birthday (she turned six yesterday), complete with Easy Bake Oven, EBO expansion kit, and some awesome crafty type little girl gifts;
  • Small children can amuse themselves for hours in Big Steve's garden;
  • My man Ryan pulled himself away from his wolf pack and showed up hung over from his last party (shhh!!!);
  • Downtown Linda Brown has some serious 'splainin' to to!!!
Other than that, it was a low key, easy and happy day.  We will do this again.  And again.  And again!!!

I'll leave you with some of my horrible videograhic skills -- If this looks like fun to you and you weren't here -- so sorry.  I enjoyed your portion!

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