
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Graduation - Graceful Haney Style - And a Give-Away!!!

If you live in the capital district especially, take note.  I'm giving away dahlia bulbs..they are gorgeous crimson flowers that look remarkably like roses.  I planted as many as I could, and I have a TON left over!  I'm not even asking for postage.  This is what they looked like recently: 


So, especially if you are in the Capital District, and even if you are not, ten lucky persons will be receiving dahlia bulbs from me.  Just email me at  AND -- this is a big and -- you MUST post what you like about dahlias -- your chances of winning won't depend on the creativity of your post.  But you MUST post!  Good luck!!!

Now on to the day.  I promised pictures of the breakfast casserole that we did yesterday.  So here you go -- and it was scrumptious!!!:

But seriously, food aside, sincere congratulations to our dear daughter-in-law Destiny, who has worked through obstacles and reached this, her graduation day.  She is one hard working woman, and, as far as we are concerned, a QUALITY addition to the family here at the Haney Place!!  Destiny, our hats are off to you!!!

They did a real nice job of the graduation ceremonies here at the Joe....Destiny is just slippling from one educational goal to another, and I understand her urgency.  All the same, I am thankful for Destiny and other young people with a purpose and a plan, no sense of entitlement, just a good strong work ethic.  Again, Destiny, my hat is off to you today!!!

Well, bless her heart, that's all the digital goodness I have for today.   But I just couldn't lose the opportunity to brag on my family!

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