
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween - 2010

It's a bit of a disappointment this year.  Halloween, I mean.  Last year was much more awesome.  As evidence:

But our dearest of Miss Nancy's is not with us this year -- and maybe that's why we haven't enjoyed the holiday of chocolates so much.  She's with God now, and the chocolate over yonder is so awe-inspiring that it just shuts us up.

At any rate, the horrors of the night are thus:

  1. We've only had two trick-or-treaters the entire evening, and I believe it's ok to shut the light off now;
  2. Vincent Price has only been emtombed ONCE this evening thus far, so there is death and dismemberment a-plenty in the immediate tv future here at the Haney Place; 
  3. IF YOUR HOUSEMATE IS A SENIOR DOG, you might just be relegated to 1/2 blankie...just sayin...

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