
Saturday, April 24, 2010

It's REALLY Spring!!!

I think my batteries died in my camera -- I'm so tech unsavvy that I'm not even sure if that's the problem.  At any rate, it REALLY is Spring, and for that I am so thankful!

Here is the fresh oregano, which replanted itself from last year.  It's all ready to use in the kitchen, in fact, the more I use, the more that will grow...there is already fresh thyme as well, and we used that this week in the black eyed pea jambalaya, but the camera died before I could shoot that...

Here are the peas coming up about Stiva's lovely framework.  There will be fresh peas still in the shell for salads, and later, peas for freezing for the winter.

Here are the lilacs, purple and white.  Again, I just wish we had smell-o-vision!

And most importantly, here is Stiva retilling part of the garden to get ready for everything else.  And there is little Elsa, literally having the **** scared out of her (if you want to come over and see for yourself, that little tiny tiller literally scared the **** out of Elsa, but I digress...

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