At any rate, a co-worker and his wife recently celebrated the joyous arrival of the dear baby girl, Miss Molly Grace. It was a first baby for them (the sweetest of experiences) and they made a choice of not finding out the sex of their new little bundle of joy until he or she arrived. I totally applaud that decision!!!
So I had to decide -- what type of gift, and in what manner. Finally, it was decided that a blankie was in order, and yellow was so cheerful, that had to be the main color.
Now to the technical stuff for my crochet friends. This blankie is nothing more than a single crochet ripple over 7 stitches, done in the back loops only. So it's skip one, crochet one, crochet three, crochet one, skip two, repeat. That's really all there is to it! Back loops only, mind you. Any problems, let me know, and I'll try to help you.
The results are here -- I decided to photograph it at my desk. After all, it WAS for a co-worker!

The main thing about a project is to be mindful of the receiver while it is being created. We hear a lot about prayer shawls and such these days. This little blankie is full of prayers for little Molly Grace and her Mom & Dad as well. We here at The Haney Place wish them a full and happy life!!!
Just lovely!
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