
Sunday, January 24, 2010

We're Having A Baby, My Baby & Me

f you are familiar with the Riccardo's (I Love Lucy) you'll understand the lyrics. 

Were having a baby, my baby and me
You'll read it in Winchell's
That we're adding a limb to our family tree
We're pushing our carriage
How proud I will be
There's nothing like marriage
Ask your mother and father and they'll agree

He'll have toys, baby clothes
He'll know he's come to the right house
By and by, when he grows
Maybe he'll live in the White House

Our future gets brighter
But definitely
We're having a baby
We're having a baby
We're having a baby
My baby and me

Her name is Elsa.  If fate is smiling upon us, she will bless our home, and we will be a blessing to her.

Keep posted...

1 comment:

plfairy14 said...

congratulations! I am so happy for you